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Realtor Resource

As the owner of Cosmos Inspections is a former Realtor in both New York and Florida, we know that a lack of urgency and incomplete or confusing reports from a home inspector can ruin deals and sour relationships with your clients. Cosmos offers clear and unbiased reports anyone can understand, without the use of alarmist language. 


Every report is published and accessible to the buyer same day GUARANTEED on their cosmos account, so you can discuss and send a repair addendum to the sellers ASAP. 


Our professional, stylized reports categorize defects in a way that keeps your buyer engaged and focused on the priority issues , while our certified inspectors are always available to help with clarification and further explanation. 


You already have your preferred lenders and title agents, add Cosmos Inspections to your arsenal of trusted business partners to protect your clients and get your deals CLOSED. 

New Home Owners
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